05-12-2001, 13:44
Ich versuche hier Oracle 9i zu installieren was aber absolut nicht funktioniert.
Ich denke das ist ein Java Problem, Oracle nimmt anscheinend immer sein eigenes.
Kann ich das ändern? Mit JAVA_HOME und JAVA_DIR hab ichs schon versucht.
Kennt jemand parameter für runInstaller ?
have fun
Hier die Fehlermeldung (gleich nach dem ausführen)
Initializing Java Virtual Machine from /tmp/OraInstall/jre/bin/jre. Please wait...
SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
stackbase=0xbffff53c, stackpointer=0xbffff404
Full thread dump:
"Finalizer thread" (TID:0x42753210, sys_thread_t:0x4d0a5e0c, state:R) prio=1
"Async Garbage Collector" (TID:0x42753258, sys_thread_t:0x4d084e0c, state:R) prio=1
"Idle thread" (TID:0x427532a0, sys_thread_t:0x4d063e0c, state:R) prio=0
"Clock" (TID:0x42753088, sys_thread_t:0x4d042e0c, state:CW) prio=12
"main" (TID:0x427530b0, sys_thread_t:0x80cafd8, state:R) prio=5 *current thread*
java.lang.System.initializeSystemClass(System.java )
Monitor Cache Dump:
Registered Monitor Dump:
Thread queue lock: <unowned>
Name and type hash table lock: <unowned>
String intern lock: <unowned>
JNI pinning lock: <unowned>
JNI global reference lock: <unowned>
BinClass lock: <unowned>
Class loading lock: <unowned>
Java stack lock: <unowned>
Code rewrite lock: <unowned>
Heap lock: <unowned>
Has finalization queue lock: <unowned>
Finalize me queue lock: <unowned>
Dynamic loading lock: <unowned>
Monitor IO lock: <unowned>
Child death monitor: <unowned>
Event monitor: <unowned>
I/O monitor: <unowned>
Alarm monitor: <unowned>
Waiting to be notified:
"Clock" (0x4d042e0c)
Monitor registry: owner "main" (0x80cafd8, 1 entry)
Thread Alarm Q:
Ich versuche hier Oracle 9i zu installieren was aber absolut nicht funktioniert.
Ich denke das ist ein Java Problem, Oracle nimmt anscheinend immer sein eigenes.
Kann ich das ändern? Mit JAVA_HOME und JAVA_DIR hab ichs schon versucht.
Kennt jemand parameter für runInstaller ?
have fun
Hier die Fehlermeldung (gleich nach dem ausführen)
Initializing Java Virtual Machine from /tmp/OraInstall/jre/bin/jre. Please wait...
SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
stackbase=0xbffff53c, stackpointer=0xbffff404
Full thread dump:
"Finalizer thread" (TID:0x42753210, sys_thread_t:0x4d0a5e0c, state:R) prio=1
"Async Garbage Collector" (TID:0x42753258, sys_thread_t:0x4d084e0c, state:R) prio=1
"Idle thread" (TID:0x427532a0, sys_thread_t:0x4d063e0c, state:R) prio=0
"Clock" (TID:0x42753088, sys_thread_t:0x4d042e0c, state:CW) prio=12
"main" (TID:0x427530b0, sys_thread_t:0x80cafd8, state:R) prio=5 *current thread*
java.lang.System.initializeSystemClass(System.java )
Monitor Cache Dump:
Registered Monitor Dump:
Thread queue lock: <unowned>
Name and type hash table lock: <unowned>
String intern lock: <unowned>
JNI pinning lock: <unowned>
JNI global reference lock: <unowned>
BinClass lock: <unowned>
Class loading lock: <unowned>
Java stack lock: <unowned>
Code rewrite lock: <unowned>
Heap lock: <unowned>
Has finalization queue lock: <unowned>
Finalize me queue lock: <unowned>
Dynamic loading lock: <unowned>
Monitor IO lock: <unowned>
Child death monitor: <unowned>
Event monitor: <unowned>
I/O monitor: <unowned>
Alarm monitor: <unowned>
Waiting to be notified:
"Clock" (0x4d042e0c)
Monitor registry: owner "main" (0x80cafd8, 1 entry)
Thread Alarm Q: