03-09-2004, 09:49
Entschuldigen Sie mich aus English zu schreiben, aber mein Deutsch ganz schieze ist. Actually, I can roughly get through it, aber schreiben ist schwehrer. So, here we go ...
I'm using fancyheader within a documentclass{report} and it works pretty well except for the first page of a chapter for which nothing appears (this is especially of interest for one page chaper* such as Acknowledgments or table of contents or listoffigures or whatever). It's gonna make 5 days I'm trying to figure out how to deal with that, but there's nothing to do.
Do you guys have any clue ?
Vielen Danke,
Bis später, M@
PS: Below's the code
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\MakeUppercase{\thechapter.\ #1}}{}}
\fancyhead[L] { }
\fancyhead[C]{ \leftmark }
\fancyhead[R] { }
\fancyfoot[L]{ myName }
\fancyfoot[C]{ myTitle }
\fancyfoot[R]{ Version 1.0 }
\chapter*{Acknowledgements\markboth{\MakeUppercase {Acknowledgements}}{}}
Cheers mates !
blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla
\section{Experimental measures}
blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla
blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla
Entschuldigen Sie mich aus English zu schreiben, aber mein Deutsch ganz schieze ist. Actually, I can roughly get through it, aber schreiben ist schwehrer. So, here we go ...
I'm using fancyheader within a documentclass{report} and it works pretty well except for the first page of a chapter for which nothing appears (this is especially of interest for one page chaper* such as Acknowledgments or table of contents or listoffigures or whatever). It's gonna make 5 days I'm trying to figure out how to deal with that, but there's nothing to do.
Do you guys have any clue ?
Vielen Danke,
Bis später, M@
PS: Below's the code
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\MakeUppercase{\thechapter.\ #1}}{}}
\fancyhead[L] { }
\fancyhead[C]{ \leftmark }
\fancyhead[R] { }
\fancyfoot[L]{ myName }
\fancyfoot[C]{ myTitle }
\fancyfoot[R]{ Version 1.0 }
\chapter*{Acknowledgements\markboth{\MakeUppercase {Acknowledgements}}{}}
Cheers mates !
blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla
\section{Experimental measures}
blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla
blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla