Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : definition environment

07-02-2005, 16:03
I need an environment for definitions with numbering per chapter, title and an optional argument for author (if existing definitions by known authors are used). The text should be formated as normal text because some definitions will be to long for the italic definitions style to be readable.

\textbf{\large{Definition \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{count_definition} #1}}

is quite wrong (even without the optional argument it does not enlarge the title and does some quite unwanted formating [intending and something with the first character]), all hints welcome...

07-02-2005, 16:35
What's about the package ntheorem?!? There you have the possibilty to format your definitions, theorems, proofs, etc. You're able to change the look very easily. Read the documentation of this package.


08-02-2005, 10:28
seems to be what I need as far as I understand it. Where do I get the documentation - TexLive comes with .sty and .std only? Do I have to read the .dtx I obtained from CTAN as it is or is there other documentation or at least some way of compiling the .dtx for documentation?

ok, got that...

latex .ins (also CTAN)
(pdf)latex .drv x3
-> doc

08-02-2005, 13:17
A little bit easier is to ask Google (http://www.google.de/) for ntheorem.dvi. There are different sources for this documentation.
