Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Package caption error: Undefined format 'normal'

24-10-2007, 13:49

I'm writing my thesis in latex using Miktex as distribution and TeXnicCenter as editor. I can compile my script but I'm getting every time the error message mentioned above:

!Package caption error: Undefined format 'normal'
See the caption package documentation for explanation.

I just can't find out neither in the doc files nor over the net what this kind of error suppose to mean. I can also get an output which seems quite good to me.

I'm not sure if it's important ( but I learned, that it almost never not important :) ) but I also get the warning:

Package caption warning: Unused \captionsetup[floatfoot] on input line 473.

This line is empty and lay between two subsections that are not written yet.

I downloaded Miktex yesterday and installed it this morning, so the reason can't be an old package.

I looked into the caption Package directory and there are there three *.sty files (caption.sty, caption2.sty, caption3.sty)

Has someone else this problem too?
Has anyone an idea where is this coming from?



24-10-2007, 15:51
It would be very helpful to know what you have done so far. And the best way is that you post the code leading to that error to make clear how you use the package. The inclusion of the caption (http://dante.ctan.org/CTAN/help/Catalogue/entries/caption.html) package should normally cause any problems.


Best regards an welcome aboard

24-10-2007, 16:05

this is my header of the script

\usepackage[german,ngerman]{babel} % die nächsten drei Zeilen ermöglichen die
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Verwendung von Umlauten, ohne diese
\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % besonders Quoten zu müssen.

%Alles, was mit den graphischen Einstellungen zu tun hat.
\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} % Hiermit werden ps-Dateien integriert.
\usepackage[dvips]{color} % Definiee farben, um den Text zu markieren

\geometry{verbose,top=3cm,bottom=2cm,inner=2cm,out er=3cm,includefoot}

\usepackage{fancyhdr} % das Paket, um Kopf und Fusszeilen zu gestalten
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.5pt} % Kopflinie
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} %Fußlinie
% der Befehl \sectionamrk wird umgeändert, um die Zeilen zu enthalten, die ich möchte
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thechapter : #1}}
\rhead{\textbf{\leftmark}} %die linke Seite wird ausgegeben. - hier der neue Befehl
\lhead{\bf \thepage} % Auf der rechte Seite kommt die Seitennumerierung.
\cfoot{} % Fußzeile bleibt leer.


\usepackage[leftcaption]{sidecap} %Beschriftung an der Seite der Tabellen


\renewcommand{\captionlabelfont}{\rmfamily\bfserie s} %macht "Abbildung X.X" fett
\renewcommand{\captionfont}{\rmfamily} % setzt die Schrift auf family
%damit nicht jedes mal alle Befehle geschrieben werden müssen

\makeatletter % Zur Erstellung der Linien unterhalb und oberhalb der Abbildungen bzw. Tabellen
\newcommand{\topfigrule}{\vspace*{1pt}% eine Linie unter dem float am Anfang der Seite
\newcommand{\botfigrule}{\vspace*{1pt}% eine Linie über dem float am Ende der Seite

%Mathematic package
%comments longer than one line can be put in the comment environment

% font layout

{\fontfamily{ptm}\fontsize{12}{20pt} % macht das ganze etwas größer
%\pagenumbering{arabic}%Die Numerierung verflogt arabische Ziffern (1,2,3...)
%\setlength{\parskip}{6pt} % Abstand zwischen den Absätzen

I'm open for every ideas. It always was without any problems, but now ... :mad:



24-10-2007, 16:34

!Package caption error: Undefined format 'normal'
See the caption package documentation for explanation.

As I just had to find out there are some problems when the new caption package v3.x will be used with some old style (v1.x) options. I'm deeply sorry about this, a revised version v3.1d will be released within the next weeks.

But what to do now: You could either send me an e-mail (caption@sommerfee.de) and I'll send you an interims version without this problem. If you replace your caption.sty and caption3.sty with the ones I'll send to you the problem should be away.

Or you translate the options within \usepackage[...]{caption} from v1.x nomenclature to v3.x style, e.g. replace "normal" with "format=plain" etc. There is a section within the caption documentation about how to do this: ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/caption/caption-eng.pdf

In your case writing

\usepackage[justification=raggedright,font=footnotesize,single linecheck=off]{caption}

instead of


should help.

I'm not sure if it's important ( but I learned, that it almost never not important :) ) but I also get the warning:

Package caption warning: Unused \captionsetup[floatfoot] on input line 473.

No, this is not important. A new version of the floatrow package which cooperates a little better (and does not cause such warning if the floatfoot feature will not be used) will be released within the next weeks.
