01-11-2011, 17:16
Hallo miteinander!
Zur Zeit schreibe ich meine Bewerbungen auf Lyx mit der Dokumentenklasse "letter (KOMA Script v.2)". Ich verwende Linux Debian. Die Dokumentensprache ist auf deutsch eingestellt. Leider funktioniert die Silbentrennung nicht, Lyx scheint auf englische Art zu trennen. Der Vollständigkeit halber hier mal mein Dokumentenkopf:
\lyxformat 345
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\author ""
Nun habe ich in einem anderen Forumbeitrag gelesen, dass dies eigentlich nur an den installierten Paketen selbst liegen kann.
Zum Beispiel vermisse ich in der language.dat Einträge zu deutschen Sprachpaketen.
Wenn hier der Fehler liegt, wie installiere ich das deutsche Sprachpaket nach? Eigentlich müsste das doch drauf sein oder? In der synaptic Paketverwaltung tauchen nur noch exotische Sprachpakete zum nachinstallieren auf. "texlive-latex-base" ist installiert, dazu gehört auch "babelbib".
Hier mal meine language.dat
%%% This file was automatically generated by update-language-dat.
% Please do not edit it directly. If you want to add or change
% anything here, please have a look at the files in:
% /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/
% and invoke update-language-dat.
%%% From file: /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/00tex.cnf
% The first entries in language.dat and language.def have to be
% for english/USenglish to ensure total document portability.
%%% End of file: /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/00tex.cnf
%%% From file: /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/09texlive-base.cnf
% 09texlive-base.cnf
% You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
% over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
% (not if you purged it). You should leave the following pseudo comment
% present in the file!
% -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
% $Id: 7228 2008-03-29 18:48:41Z karl $
% (and the start of language.dat)
% - initial hyphenation patterns.
% Created long ago by Sebastian Rahtz and others. Public domain.
% is concatenated with the other language.*.dat files
% desired by the user to create language.dat. You can use
% texconfig generate language -local /some/file to make local additions.
% The premade texmf/tex/generic/config/language.dat (where you might be
% reading this) in the distribution is a copy of this concatenation with
% all languages enabled. It is used when the user asks to run live
% (install option R).
% The preferred comment for actual language lines is %!. Do not use %!
% for textual comments like this. This is to be able to separate
% textual comments from commented-out language in such a way that
% automatic parsing by programs is possible, so that
% we can present the user with `all possible languages'.
% *PLEASE*, keep english as the default (first) here, and let it refer
% to hyphen.tex (not, e.g., ushyph.tex), and do not change the
% hyphen.tex file, or name some other file hyphen.tex. hyphen.tex must
% remain the original file from Knuth, and it must be \language0. This
% is one important aspect of ensuring that the original, frozen TeX
% always produces the same line and page breaks.
% The babel system allows you to easily change the active language for
% LaTeX. For more information, see the documentation in
% texmf-dist/doc/generic/babel/. ConTeXt has its own language support too.
english hyphen.tex % do not change!
% ushyphmax.tex, on the other hand, includes Gerard Kuiken's additional
% patterns; it is not frozen.
usenglishmax ushyphmax.tex
% FYI, ushyph.tex is Dr. Kuiken's smaller set of patterns; with today's
% large memories, there is no reason to use it, and we don't list it here.
% ushyph1.tex is another (historical) name for hyphen.tex.
% ushyph2.tex is another (historical) name for ushyph.tex.
% --karl
dumylang dumyhyph.tex %for testing a new language.
nohyphenation zerohyph.tex %a language with no patterns at all.
%%% End of file: /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/09texlive-base.cnf
Viele Grüße und danke für die Hilfe.
Zur Zeit schreibe ich meine Bewerbungen auf Lyx mit der Dokumentenklasse "letter (KOMA Script v.2)". Ich verwende Linux Debian. Die Dokumentensprache ist auf deutsch eingestellt. Leider funktioniert die Silbentrennung nicht, Lyx scheint auf englische Art zu trennen. Der Vollständigkeit halber hier mal mein Dokumentenkopf:
\lyxformat 345
\textclass scrlttr2
\use_default_options true
\language ngerman
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\font_roman default
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\font_osf false
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\font_tt_scale 100
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\papersize default
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\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip smallskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author ""
\author ""
Nun habe ich in einem anderen Forumbeitrag gelesen, dass dies eigentlich nur an den installierten Paketen selbst liegen kann.
Zum Beispiel vermisse ich in der language.dat Einträge zu deutschen Sprachpaketen.
Wenn hier der Fehler liegt, wie installiere ich das deutsche Sprachpaket nach? Eigentlich müsste das doch drauf sein oder? In der synaptic Paketverwaltung tauchen nur noch exotische Sprachpakete zum nachinstallieren auf. "texlive-latex-base" ist installiert, dazu gehört auch "babelbib".
Hier mal meine language.dat
%%% This file was automatically generated by update-language-dat.
% Please do not edit it directly. If you want to add or change
% anything here, please have a look at the files in:
% /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/
% and invoke update-language-dat.
%%% From file: /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/00tex.cnf
% The first entries in language.dat and language.def have to be
% for english/USenglish to ensure total document portability.
%%% End of file: /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/00tex.cnf
%%% From file: /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/09texlive-base.cnf
% 09texlive-base.cnf
% You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
% over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
% (not if you purged it). You should leave the following pseudo comment
% present in the file!
% -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
% $Id: 7228 2008-03-29 18:48:41Z karl $
% (and the start of language.dat)
% - initial hyphenation patterns.
% Created long ago by Sebastian Rahtz and others. Public domain.
% is concatenated with the other language.*.dat files
% desired by the user to create language.dat. You can use
% texconfig generate language -local /some/file to make local additions.
% The premade texmf/tex/generic/config/language.dat (where you might be
% reading this) in the distribution is a copy of this concatenation with
% all languages enabled. It is used when the user asks to run live
% (install option R).
% The preferred comment for actual language lines is %!. Do not use %!
% for textual comments like this. This is to be able to separate
% textual comments from commented-out language in such a way that
% automatic parsing by programs is possible, so that
% we can present the user with `all possible languages'.
% *PLEASE*, keep english as the default (first) here, and let it refer
% to hyphen.tex (not, e.g., ushyph.tex), and do not change the
% hyphen.tex file, or name some other file hyphen.tex. hyphen.tex must
% remain the original file from Knuth, and it must be \language0. This
% is one important aspect of ensuring that the original, frozen TeX
% always produces the same line and page breaks.
% The babel system allows you to easily change the active language for
% LaTeX. For more information, see the documentation in
% texmf-dist/doc/generic/babel/. ConTeXt has its own language support too.
english hyphen.tex % do not change!
% ushyphmax.tex, on the other hand, includes Gerard Kuiken's additional
% patterns; it is not frozen.
usenglishmax ushyphmax.tex
% FYI, ushyph.tex is Dr. Kuiken's smaller set of patterns; with today's
% large memories, there is no reason to use it, and we don't list it here.
% ushyph1.tex is another (historical) name for hyphen.tex.
% ushyph2.tex is another (historical) name for ushyph.tex.
% --karl
dumylang dumyhyph.tex %for testing a new language.
nohyphenation zerohyph.tex %a language with no patterns at all.
%%% End of file: /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/09texlive-base.cnf
Viele Grüße und danke für die Hilfe.