20-04-2012, 02:38
Ich habe ein Minimalbeispiel zusammen gestellt.
1) Ich moechte den Abstand wie zwischen Abschnitt 3 und 4 erreichen. Kann ich das im Header irgendwo einstellen? (Ich habe den Header von einer alten Arbeit kopiert und da hat es auch wunderbar geklappt)
2) Wenn das Bild auf eine neue Seite geschoben wird, kriege ich den vielen Platz. Wie umgehe ic das?
Hier der Code:
1)The heating system should provide an option to heat up to 210 $\degree$C. Three of the four distinct methods to bring enough heat into the system are considered, \cite{HutDal2011}: Circulating fluids, heated air and electrically heated.\\
2)The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\
The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\
3)The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\
The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\[-0.3cm]
4)The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\
The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\
\scalebox{0.52}{\includegraphics*[viewport=1 1 800 550]{figures/screw.png}}
\caption[Drawing of an extruder screw]{Drawing of an extruder screw, \cite{screw}}
Critical to mixing is the force/strain experienced, the exposed time and the probability of all fibres to have the same mixing experience. The passage distribution function according to Tadmor and Manas
ymer processing, mixing can be distributive and/or dispersive, [Rios]. Mixing can be brought about in viscous systems only by mechanical action or by the forced shear or elongational flow of the matrix. Immiscible fluids (drops with interfacial tension) will require intensive mechanical stress to achieve the required dimunition.
Dispersive mixing is de
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Ich habe ein Minimalbeispiel zusammen gestellt.
1) Ich moechte den Abstand wie zwischen Abschnitt 3 und 4 erreichen. Kann ich das im Header irgendwo einstellen? (Ich habe den Header von einer alten Arbeit kopiert und da hat es auch wunderbar geklappt)
2) Wenn das Bild auf eine neue Seite geschoben wird, kriege ich den vielen Platz. Wie umgehe ic das?
Hier der Code:
1)The heating system should provide an option to heat up to 210 $\degree$C. Three of the four distinct methods to bring enough heat into the system are considered, \cite{HutDal2011}: Circulating fluids, heated air and electrically heated.\\
2)The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\
The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\
3)The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\
The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\[-0.3cm]
4)The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\
The most common circulating fluid heating is a water bath. The water bath allows evenly distributed temperatures over the entire transfer area, avoiding local overheating, \cite{Rauw2001}. The maximum operating temperature is 100 $\degree$C. This temperature bound is not high enough for the suggested polymers. Other fluids can be used, but toxic vapors might be a\\
\scalebox{0.52}{\includegraphics*[viewport=1 1 800 550]{figures/screw.png}}
\caption[Drawing of an extruder screw]{Drawing of an extruder screw, \cite{screw}}
Critical to mixing is the force/strain experienced, the exposed time and the probability of all fibres to have the same mixing experience. The passage distribution function according to Tadmor and Manas
ymer processing, mixing can be distributive and/or dispersive, [Rios]. Mixing can be brought about in viscous systems only by mechanical action or by the forced shear or elongational flow of the matrix. Immiscible fluids (drops with interfacial tension) will require intensive mechanical stress to achieve the required dimunition.
Dispersive mixing is de
Und mein Header:
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%%% English
%%############### Functions and Hyphenation rules
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