31-05-2012, 19:26
ich bemerke gerade dass Latex in meiner englisch geschriebenen Arbeit die Worttrennung falsch macht. Leider kann ich die riesige preambel nicht einbinden.
Hier nur ein so wie ich denke wichtiger Ausschnit::
centertags, % (default) center tags vertically
%tbtags, % 'Top-or-bottom tags': For a split equation, place equation numbers level
% with the last (resp. first) line, if numbers are on the right (resp. left).
sumlimits, %(default) Place the subscripts and superscripts of summation
% symbols above and below
%nosumlimits, % Always place the subscripts and superscripts of summation-type
% symbols to the side, even in displayed equations.
intlimits, % Like sumlimits, but for integral symbols.
%nointlimits, % (default) Opposite of intlimits.
namelimits, % (default) Like sumlimits, but for certain 'operator names' such as
% det, inf, lim, max, min, that traditionally have subscripts placed underneath
% when they occur in a displayed equation.
%nonamelimits, % Opposite of namelimits.
%leqno, % Place equation numbers on the left.
%reqno, % Place equation numbers on the right.
%fleqn, % Position equations at a fixed indent from the left margin
% rather than centered in the text column.
% german,
% french,
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % T1 Schrift Encoding
\usepackage{textcomp} % Zusatzliche Symbole (Text Companion font extension)
bottom, % Footnotes appear always on bottom. This is necessary
% especially when floats are used
stable, % Make footnotes stable in section titles
%perpage, % Reset on each page
%para, % Place footnotes side by side of in one paragraph.
%side, % Place footnotes in the margin
ragged, % Use RaggedRight
%norule, % suppress rule above footnotes
multiple, % rearrange multiple footnotes intelligent in the text.
%symbol, % use symbols instead of numbers
babel, % the style of all quotation marks will be adapted
% to the document language as chosen by 'babel'
german=quotes, % Styles of quotes in each language
section % "\section" command will be redefined with "\FloatBarrier"
% outercaption,% (default) caption is placed always on the outside side
% innercaption,% caption placed on the inner side
% leftcaption,% caption placed on the left side
rightcaption,% caption placed on the right side
% wide,% caption of float my extend into the margin if necessary
% margincaption,% caption set into margin
ragged,% caption is set ragged
footnote, % Full names appear in the footnote
smaller, % Print acronym in smaller fontsize
printonlyused %
\usepackage{pdfpages} % Include pages from external PDF documents in LaTeX documents
\usepackage[a4paper,textwidth=140mm,twoside,hmarginratio=5:4,v centering]{geometry}
Worttrennungen wie
sind meiner Meinung nach falsch
Könnte mir jemand sagen wie ich eine korrekte silbentrennung für alle englischen wörter hinbekomme bzw. wo ich nachschauen kann?
Danke euch
ich bemerke gerade dass Latex in meiner englisch geschriebenen Arbeit die Worttrennung falsch macht. Leider kann ich die riesige preambel nicht einbinden.
Hier nur ein so wie ich denke wichtiger Ausschnit::
centertags, % (default) center tags vertically
%tbtags, % 'Top-or-bottom tags': For a split equation, place equation numbers level
% with the last (resp. first) line, if numbers are on the right (resp. left).
sumlimits, %(default) Place the subscripts and superscripts of summation
% symbols above and below
%nosumlimits, % Always place the subscripts and superscripts of summation-type
% symbols to the side, even in displayed equations.
intlimits, % Like sumlimits, but for integral symbols.
%nointlimits, % (default) Opposite of intlimits.
namelimits, % (default) Like sumlimits, but for certain 'operator names' such as
% det, inf, lim, max, min, that traditionally have subscripts placed underneath
% when they occur in a displayed equation.
%nonamelimits, % Opposite of namelimits.
%leqno, % Place equation numbers on the left.
%reqno, % Place equation numbers on the right.
%fleqn, % Position equations at a fixed indent from the left margin
% rather than centered in the text column.
% german,
% french,
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % T1 Schrift Encoding
\usepackage{textcomp} % Zusatzliche Symbole (Text Companion font extension)
bottom, % Footnotes appear always on bottom. This is necessary
% especially when floats are used
stable, % Make footnotes stable in section titles
%perpage, % Reset on each page
%para, % Place footnotes side by side of in one paragraph.
%side, % Place footnotes in the margin
ragged, % Use RaggedRight
%norule, % suppress rule above footnotes
multiple, % rearrange multiple footnotes intelligent in the text.
%symbol, % use symbols instead of numbers
babel, % the style of all quotation marks will be adapted
% to the document language as chosen by 'babel'
german=quotes, % Styles of quotes in each language
section % "\section" command will be redefined with "\FloatBarrier"
% outercaption,% (default) caption is placed always on the outside side
% innercaption,% caption placed on the inner side
% leftcaption,% caption placed on the left side
rightcaption,% caption placed on the right side
% wide,% caption of float my extend into the margin if necessary
% margincaption,% caption set into margin
ragged,% caption is set ragged
footnote, % Full names appear in the footnote
smaller, % Print acronym in smaller fontsize
printonlyused %
\usepackage{pdfpages} % Include pages from external PDF documents in LaTeX documents
\usepackage[a4paper,textwidth=140mm,twoside,hmarginratio=5:4,v centering]{geometry}
Worttrennungen wie
sind meiner Meinung nach falsch
Könnte mir jemand sagen wie ich eine korrekte silbentrennung für alle englischen wörter hinbekomme bzw. wo ich nachschauen kann?
Danke euch