Hallo zusammen
ich verwende den APA Biblatex Style und würde gerne im Text bei einer Autorenzahl >2 ein Zitat wie
Magee et al.(1996) haben. Dies gelingt mir jedoch leider trotz
maxcitenames=2 nicht.
Woran könnte es eurer Meinung nach liegen?
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% % Dissertationsvorlage von Jörg große Schlarmann
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,DIV=calc,oneside,headsepline,ngerman, headings=small,openany,listof=totoc, bibliography=totoc]{scrbook}
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\usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc} % für Windows, damit die Umlaute funktionieren
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa,
\DefineBibliographyStrings{ngerman}{andothers={et\ al\adddot}}
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\geometry{a4paper,left=3cm,right=3cm,top=3cm,botto m=3cm}
\usepackage{color} % um Text zu färben
\usepackage{endnotes} % End- und Fußnoten
\usepackage{url} % Weblinks
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % klickbare Kapitel und Link-Farben ohne Hervorhebung
\clubpenalty = 10000 % schliesst "Schusterjungen" aus
\widowpenalty = 10000 % schliesst "Hurenkinder" aus
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % Deutscher Satzbau
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\shorthandoff{"} % aus "A wird NICHT Ä!
Zitierversion 1 \textcite{magee1996agoraphobia}
Zitierversion 2 \citep{magee1996agoraphobia}
20-07-2014, 12:10
wenn du mehrere bücher/artikel eines autors hast die auch noch im selben jahr erschienen sind, dann versucht biblatex eine eindeutigkeit herzustellen indem es einen weiteren autor hinzufügt. ist das hier der fall?
Hey Bobmalaria
nein es handelt sich um ein und dieselbe Literatur.
Ich habe ja lediglich die Zitierbefehle geändert.
title = {Agoraphobia, simple phobia, and social phobia in the national comorbidity survey},
volume = {53},
issn = {0003-990X},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/archpsyc.1996.01830020077009},
doi = {10.1001/archpsyc.1996.01830020077009},
abstract = {Background:~
Data are presented on the general population prevalences, correlates, comorbidities, and impairments associated with {DSM}-{III}-R phobias.Methods:
Analysis is based on the National Comorbidity Survey. Phobias were assessed with a revised version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview.Results:
Lifetime (and 30-day) prevalence estimates are 6.7\% (and 2.3\%) for agoraphobia, 11.3\% (and 5.5\%) for simple phobia, and 13.3\% (and 4.5\%) for social phobia. Increasing lifetime prevalences are found in recent cohorts. Earlier median ages at illness onset are found for simple (15 years of age) and social (16 years of age) phobias than for agoraphobia (29 years of age). Phobias are highly comorbid. Most comorbid simple and social phobias are temporally primary, while most comorbid agoraphobia is temporally secondary. Comorbid phobias are generally more severe than pure phobias. Despite evidence of role impairment in phobia, only a minority of individuals with phobia ever seek professional treatment.Conclusions:
Phobias are common, increasingly prevalent, often associated with serious role impairment, and usually go untreated. Focused research is needed to investigate barriers to help seeking.},
number = {2},
urldate = {2014-03-20},
journal = {Archives of General Psychiatry},
author = {Magee, W. J. and Eaton, W. W. and Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich and McGonagle, K.A. and Kessler, R.C},
month = feb,
year = {1996},
pages = {159--168}
20-07-2014, 13:11
Es hat nichts mit dem Zitatbefehl zu tun. In apa wird beim ersten Zitat die Autorenliste immer voll ausgedruckt. Erst beim nächsten wird gekürzt.
20-07-2014, 15:18
Hallo zusammen
ich verwende den APA Biblatex Style und würde gerne im Text bei einer Autorenzahl >2 ein Zitat wie
haben. Dies gelingt mir jedoch leider trotz
maxcitenames=2 nicht.
Woran könnte es eurer Meinung nach liegen?
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% % Dissertationsvorlage von Jörg große Schlarmann
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,DIV=calc,oneside,headsepline,ngerman, headings=small,openany,listof=totoc, bibliography=totoc]{scrbook}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Schriftverbesserung
\usepackage{mathptmx} %für Times New Roman im Text
\setkomafont{disposition}{\rmfamily} % Times New Roman in den Überschriften
\setkomafont{chapterentry}{\rmfamily \bfseries} %Times New Roman im Inhaltsverzeichnis
\usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc} % für Windows, damit die Umlaute funktionieren
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa,
\DefineBibliographyStrings{ngerman}{andothers={et\ al\adddot}}
\usepackage[vcentering,dvips]{geometry} % Seitengröße definieren
\geometry{a4paper,left=3cm,right=3cm,top=3cm,botto m=3cm}
\usepackage{color} % um Text zu färben
\usepackage{endnotes} % End- und Fußnoten
\usepackage{url} % Weblinks
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % klickbare Kapitel und Link-Farben ohne Hervorhebung
\clubpenalty = 10000 % schliesst "Schusterjungen" aus
\widowpenalty = 10000 % schliesst "Hurenkinder" aus
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % Deutscher Satzbau
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\shorthandoff{"} % aus "A wird NICHT Ä!
Zitierversion 1 \textcite{magee1996agoraphobia}
Zitierversion 2 \citep{magee1996agoraphobia}
Hallo Daniel,
ich habe deinen Code etwas geändert:
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,DIV=calc,oneside,headsepline,ngerman, headings=small,openany,listof=totoc, bibliography=totoc]{scrbook}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Schriftverbesserung
\usepackage{mathptmx} %für Times New Roman im Text
\setkomafont{disposition}{\rmfamily} % Times New Roman in den Überschriften
\setkomafont{chapterentry}{\rmfamily \bfseries} %Times New Roman im Inhaltsverzeichnis
\usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc} % für Windows, damit die Umlaute funktionieren
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa,
\DefineBibliographyStrings{ngerman}{andothers={et\ al\adddot}}
\usepackage[vcentering,dvips]{geometry} % Seitengröße definieren
\geometry{a4paper,left=3cm,right=3cm,top=3cm,botto m=3cm}
\usepackage{color} % um Text zu färben
\usepackage{endnotes} % End- und Fußnoten
\usepackage{url} % Weblinks
\usepackage[]{hyperref} % klickbare Kapitel und Link-Farben ohne Hervorhebung
\clubpenalty = 10000 % schliesst "Schusterjungen" aus
\widowpenalty = 10000 % schliesst "Hurenkinder" aus
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % Deutscher Satzbau
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\shorthandoff{"} % aus "A wird NICHT Ä!
Zitierversion 1 \textcite{magee1996agoraphobia}\\
Zitierversion 1 \textcite{magee1996agoraphobia}\\
Zitierversion 2 \citep{magee1996agoraphobia}\\
Zitierversion 2 \citep{magee1996agoraphobia}\\
... deine bibdaten ebenfalls, du kannst entweder DOI verwenden ODER URL, beides zusammen klappt nicht. Zudem war deine DOI falsch.
Hier die bibdaten:
title = {{Agoraphobia, simple phobia, and social phobia in the national comorbidity survey}},
volume = {53},
issn = {0003-990X},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/archpsyc.1996.01830020077009},
abstract = {Background:~
Data are presented on the general population prevalences, correlates, comorbidities, and impairments associated with {DSM}-{III}-R phobias.Methods:
Analysis is based on the National Comorbidity Survey. Phobias were assessed with a revised version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview.Results:
Lifetime (and 30-day) prevalence estimates are 6.7\% (and 2.3\%) for agoraphobia, 11.3\% (and 5.5\%) for simple phobia, and 13.3\% (and 4.5\%) for social phobia. Increasing lifetime prevalences are found in recent cohorts. Earlier median ages at illness onset are found for simple (15 years of age) and social (16 years of age) phobias than for agoraphobia (29 years of age). Phobias are highly comorbid. Most comorbid simple and social phobias are temporally primary, while most comorbid agoraphobia is temporally secondary. Comorbid phobias are generally more severe than pure phobias. Despite evidence of role impairment in phobia, only a minority of individuals with phobia ever seek professional treatment.Conclusions:
Phobias are common, increasingly prevalent, often associated with serious role impairment, and usually go untreated. Focused research is needed to investigate barriers to help seeking.},
number = {2},
urldate = {2014-03-20},
journal = {Archives of General Psychiatry},
author = {Magee, W. J. and Eaton, W. W. and Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich and McGonagle, K.A. and Kessler, R.C},
month = {feb},
year = {1996},
pages = {159--168}
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