08-10-2023, 22:07
habe jetzt eine etwas spezielle Frage. Die pgfmanual doku hat keine Lösung parat, aber vielleicht jemand von euch!
Wie bekomme ich nur einzelne Spulen in BrickRed gefärbt?
Sorry dass es soviel an Code ist.
Danke für Hilfe
Grüße Fretschi
\documentclass[ paper=a4,
BCOR = 12mm,
{scrbook} %scrartcl, scrreprt, scrbook
\usepackage[europeanvoltages,europeanresistors,americaninducto rs,siunitx]{circuitikz}
\usetikzlibrary {decorations.pathreplacing}
\usetikzlibrary {patterns,patterns.meta}
\newcommand\spiral{}% Just for safety so \def won't overwrite something
\def\spiral[#1](#2)(#3:#4:#5){% \spiral[draw options](placement)(end angle:revolutions:final radius)
\draw [#1,shift={(#2)}, domain=0:\domain,variable=\t,smooth,samples=int(\d omain/0.08)] plot ({\t r}: {#5*\t/\domain})
\tikzstyle{background rectangle}=
[thick,draw=\lightgray, fill=white!99!black, rounded corners]
Pfeil/.style={thick,shorten >=#1,shorten <=#1,->}, % für Peile
UPfeil/.style={blue,Pfeil=#1,font={\sffamily\itshape}},% für Spannungspfeile
IPfeil/.style={red,Pfeil=#1,font={\ttfamily\itshape}} % für Strompfeile
\tikzset{circuit declare symbol = ammeter}
\tikzset{set ammeter graphic ={draw,generic circle IEC, minimum size=5mm,info=center:A}}
\tikzset{circuit declare symbol = voltmeter}
\tikzset{set voltmeter graphic ={draw,generic circle IEC, minimum size=5mm,info=center:V}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[%show background rectangle,
circuit ee IEC, circuit symbol lines/.style={draw,thick},
>=latex, % Voreinstellung für Pfeilspitzen
\matrix (S) [
matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=-.5\pgflinewidth,
column sep=7mm, row sep = 7mm,
nodes={minimum width=0pt}
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
%\foreach \zeilen in {1,...,5}
% \foreach \spalten in {1,...,19}{%
%\node at (S-\zeilen-\spalten){+}; % Orientierungshilfe +
%\node[red, left] at (S-\zeilen-1){\zeilen}; %Orientierungshilfe Zeilennummer
%\node[red, above] at (S-1-\spalten){\spalten}; %Orientierungshilfe Spaltennummer
\draw (S-2-1) -- (S-2-3) to [inductor={info={},info'={$\mathsf{_{}}$}}] (S-4-3) -- (S-4-1);
\draw (S-3-1) node{230 V $\approx$};
\draw (S-2-8) to [diode={info={},info'={}}]
(S-3-9) to [diode={info={},info'={}}]
(S-4-8) to [diode={info={},info'={}}]
(S-3-7) to [diode={info={},info'={}}]
\draw (S-1-5) node{
\draw[LimeGreen,-latex] (0,-0.5) --++ (0,1);
\draw[LimeGreen,-latex] (0,0) --++ (1.25,0);
\draw[LimeGreen] (0,0) sin++(0.25,0.25) cos++(0.25,-.25) sin++ (0.25,-0.25) cos++(0.25,.25);
\draw[BrickRed] (0.25,0.125)node{$+$};
\draw[Blue] (0.75,-0.125)node{$-$};
\draw (S-5-5) node{
\draw[LimeGreen,-latex] (0,-0.5) --++ (0,1);
\draw[LimeGreen,-latex] (0,0) --++ (1.25,0);
\draw[LimeGreen] (0,0) sin++(0.25,-0.25) cos++(0.25,.25) sin++ (0.25,0.25) cos++(0.25,-.25);
\draw[blue] (0.25,-0.125)node{$-$};
\draw[BrickRed] (0.75,0.125)node{$+$};
\draw (S-2-8) -- ([yshift=-1.2em] -- ([yshift=-1.2em] -- (S-2-6) -- (S-2-4) to [inductor={info={},info'={$\mathsf{_{}}$}}] (S-4-4) -- (S-4-6) -- ([yshift=-1.2em] -- ([yshift=-1.2em] -- (S-4-8);
\draw (S-3-7) -- (S-5-7) -- (S-5-10) -- (S-4-10) -- (S-4-14) to [capacitor={info={},info'={}}] (S-2-14) -- (S-2-8);
\draw (S-5-12) node{
\draw[blue,-latex] (0,0) --++ (0,-0.5);
\draw[blue,-latex] (0,0) --++ (1.25,0);
\draw[blue] (0,0) sin++(0.25,-0.25) cos++(0.25,.25) sin++ (0.25,-0.25) cos++(0.25,.25);
\draw[blue] (0.25,-0.125)node{$-$};
\draw[blue] (0.75,-0.125)node{$-$};
\draw (S-1-12) node{
\draw[BrickRed,-latex] (0,0) --++ (0,0.5);
\draw[BrickRed,-latex] (0,0) --++ (1.25,0);
\draw[BrickRed] (0,0) sin++(0.25,0.25) cos++(0.25,-.25) sin++ (0.25,0.25) cos++(0.25,-.25);
\draw[BrickRed] (0.25,0.125)node{$+$};
\draw[BrickRed] (0.75,0.125)node{$+$};
%Die folgenden beiden Spulen bitte in BrickRed
\draw[BrickRed] (S-2-13) to [inductor, ={info={},info'={}}] (S-2-11);
\draw[BrickRed] (S-4-13) to [inductor,style={red}, ={info={},info'={$\mathsf{_{}}$}}] (S-4-11);
\draw (S-2-14) -- (S-2-17) to [resistor={info'={},info'={}}] (S-4-17) -- (S-4-14);
\draw[fill=black] (S-2-8) circle (2pt)
(S-4-8) circle (2pt)
(S-3-7) circle (2pt)
(S-2-14) circle (2pt)
(S-4-14) circle (2pt)
\draw (S-3-18) node[anchor=west] {
\draw[Mulberry,-latex] (0,0) --++ (2.25,0);
\draw[Mulberry,-latex] (0,0) --++ (0,1.25);
\draw[Mulberry,dashed] (0,0.5) sin++(0.5,0.5) cos++ (0.5,-1) sin++ (0.5,1) cos++(0.5,-1) ;
\draw[Mulberry] (0,0.5) sin++(0.5,0.5) cos++ (0.75,-0.25) sin++ (0.25,0.25) cos++(0.75,-0.25) ;
habe jetzt eine etwas spezielle Frage. Die pgfmanual doku hat keine Lösung parat, aber vielleicht jemand von euch!
Wie bekomme ich nur einzelne Spulen in BrickRed gefärbt?
Sorry dass es soviel an Code ist.
Danke für Hilfe
Grüße Fretschi
\documentclass[ paper=a4,
BCOR = 12mm,
{scrbook} %scrartcl, scrreprt, scrbook
\usepackage[europeanvoltages,europeanresistors,americaninducto rs,siunitx]{circuitikz}
\usetikzlibrary {decorations.pathreplacing}
\usetikzlibrary {patterns,patterns.meta}
\newcommand\spiral{}% Just for safety so \def won't overwrite something
\def\spiral[#1](#2)(#3:#4:#5){% \spiral[draw options](placement)(end angle:revolutions:final radius)
\draw [#1,shift={(#2)}, domain=0:\domain,variable=\t,smooth,samples=int(\d omain/0.08)] plot ({\t r}: {#5*\t/\domain})
\tikzstyle{background rectangle}=
[thick,draw=\lightgray, fill=white!99!black, rounded corners]
Pfeil/.style={thick,shorten >=#1,shorten <=#1,->}, % für Peile
UPfeil/.style={blue,Pfeil=#1,font={\sffamily\itshape}},% für Spannungspfeile
IPfeil/.style={red,Pfeil=#1,font={\ttfamily\itshape}} % für Strompfeile
\tikzset{circuit declare symbol = ammeter}
\tikzset{set ammeter graphic ={draw,generic circle IEC, minimum size=5mm,info=center:A}}
\tikzset{circuit declare symbol = voltmeter}
\tikzset{set voltmeter graphic ={draw,generic circle IEC, minimum size=5mm,info=center:V}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[%show background rectangle,
circuit ee IEC, circuit symbol lines/.style={draw,thick},
>=latex, % Voreinstellung für Pfeilspitzen
\matrix (S) [
matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=-.5\pgflinewidth,
column sep=7mm, row sep = 7mm,
nodes={minimum width=0pt}
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \\
%\foreach \zeilen in {1,...,5}
% \foreach \spalten in {1,...,19}{%
%\node at (S-\zeilen-\spalten){+}; % Orientierungshilfe +
%\node[red, left] at (S-\zeilen-1){\zeilen}; %Orientierungshilfe Zeilennummer
%\node[red, above] at (S-1-\spalten){\spalten}; %Orientierungshilfe Spaltennummer
\draw (S-2-1) -- (S-2-3) to [inductor={info={},info'={$\mathsf{_{}}$}}] (S-4-3) -- (S-4-1);
\draw (S-3-1) node{230 V $\approx$};
\draw (S-2-8) to [diode={info={},info'={}}]
(S-3-9) to [diode={info={},info'={}}]
(S-4-8) to [diode={info={},info'={}}]
(S-3-7) to [diode={info={},info'={}}]
\draw (S-1-5) node{
\draw[LimeGreen,-latex] (0,-0.5) --++ (0,1);
\draw[LimeGreen,-latex] (0,0) --++ (1.25,0);
\draw[LimeGreen] (0,0) sin++(0.25,0.25) cos++(0.25,-.25) sin++ (0.25,-0.25) cos++(0.25,.25);
\draw[BrickRed] (0.25,0.125)node{$+$};
\draw[Blue] (0.75,-0.125)node{$-$};
\draw (S-5-5) node{
\draw[LimeGreen,-latex] (0,-0.5) --++ (0,1);
\draw[LimeGreen,-latex] (0,0) --++ (1.25,0);
\draw[LimeGreen] (0,0) sin++(0.25,-0.25) cos++(0.25,.25) sin++ (0.25,0.25) cos++(0.25,-.25);
\draw[blue] (0.25,-0.125)node{$-$};
\draw[BrickRed] (0.75,0.125)node{$+$};
\draw (S-2-8) -- ([yshift=-1.2em] -- ([yshift=-1.2em] -- (S-2-6) -- (S-2-4) to [inductor={info={},info'={$\mathsf{_{}}$}}] (S-4-4) -- (S-4-6) -- ([yshift=-1.2em] -- ([yshift=-1.2em] -- (S-4-8);
\draw (S-3-7) -- (S-5-7) -- (S-5-10) -- (S-4-10) -- (S-4-14) to [capacitor={info={},info'={}}] (S-2-14) -- (S-2-8);
\draw (S-5-12) node{
\draw[blue,-latex] (0,0) --++ (0,-0.5);
\draw[blue,-latex] (0,0) --++ (1.25,0);
\draw[blue] (0,0) sin++(0.25,-0.25) cos++(0.25,.25) sin++ (0.25,-0.25) cos++(0.25,.25);
\draw[blue] (0.25,-0.125)node{$-$};
\draw[blue] (0.75,-0.125)node{$-$};
\draw (S-1-12) node{
\draw[BrickRed,-latex] (0,0) --++ (0,0.5);
\draw[BrickRed,-latex] (0,0) --++ (1.25,0);
\draw[BrickRed] (0,0) sin++(0.25,0.25) cos++(0.25,-.25) sin++ (0.25,0.25) cos++(0.25,-.25);
\draw[BrickRed] (0.25,0.125)node{$+$};
\draw[BrickRed] (0.75,0.125)node{$+$};
%Die folgenden beiden Spulen bitte in BrickRed
\draw[BrickRed] (S-2-13) to [inductor, ={info={},info'={}}] (S-2-11);
\draw[BrickRed] (S-4-13) to [inductor,style={red}, ={info={},info'={$\mathsf{_{}}$}}] (S-4-11);
\draw (S-2-14) -- (S-2-17) to [resistor={info'={},info'={}}] (S-4-17) -- (S-4-14);
\draw[fill=black] (S-2-8) circle (2pt)
(S-4-8) circle (2pt)
(S-3-7) circle (2pt)
(S-2-14) circle (2pt)
(S-4-14) circle (2pt)
\draw (S-3-18) node[anchor=west] {
\draw[Mulberry,-latex] (0,0) --++ (2.25,0);
\draw[Mulberry,-latex] (0,0) --++ (0,1.25);
\draw[Mulberry,dashed] (0,0.5) sin++(0.5,0.5) cos++ (0.5,-1) sin++ (0.5,1) cos++(0.5,-1) ;
\draw[Mulberry] (0,0.5) sin++(0.5,0.5) cos++ (0.75,-0.25) sin++ (0.25,0.25) cos++(0.75,-0.25) ;